Thank you

Thank you to our supporters and funders

Bethany relies on program partners, local business, sponsors, government departments and philanthropic support to deliver over 40 different programs across Victoria. Through this funding we aim to reduce barriers that create vulnerability and disadvantage.

We are grateful for the strong relationships we have with individuals and organisations that share our aspirations and values.

Federal Government Funding

Attorney-General’s Department
Department of Social Services

Victorian Government Funding

Department of Education and Training
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Justice and Community Safety 
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation

Local Government Funding

Borough of Queenscliff
City of Greater Geelong
Warrnambool City Council

Program Partners

Alannah & Madeline Foundation

Barwon Child, Youth & Family
Barwon Community Legal Services
Barwon Health
Bell Park North Primary School

Brophy Family and Youth Services
Brotherhood of St Laurence
Catholic Care Ballarat
Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare
City of Greater Geelong
Colac Area Health

Community Hubs Australia

Cultura (Diversitat)
Deakin University
Domestic Violence Victoria
Emma House

Feed Me Bellarine
Gateways Support Services

Geelong East Primary School

Geelong Family Relationship Centre
Geelong Food Relief
Geelong Mums

Geelong Youth Engagement
Gen U
Gforce Employment Solutions
Gunditjmara Aboriginal Cooperative
Grampains Community Heath

Mitchell Property Management
Northern Bay College
No to Violence

Our Place

Orange Door – Horsham and Warrnambool

Salvation Army
SalvoConnect Women’s Services

Surf Coast Shire
The Rotary Club of Geelong
The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre – Geelong and Horsham
Victoria Police
Warrnambool City Council
Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative
Western Victoria Primary Health Network
Uniting Wimmera
Windamara Aboriginal Cooperative

Donors, Sponsors and Philanthropic Supporters

New donor in 2021*

Adventure Park

Andrew Costa*
Anthony Costa Foundation

Anne Knight*
Apco Foundation


bay 93.9

Belmont Book Club
Bendigo & Adelaide Bank

Body & Soul Wellbeing Co*

Brendan Rogers*

Body Health and co*
City of Greater Geelong
Collins Booksellers Warrnambool

Cotton On Group*
Dannielle Ingwersen*
Dimmick Charitable Trust

Dizzy Toys*

Flag Staff Hill*
Francesco Gumina*
Geelong Arts Centre
Geelong Business Chambers

Geelong Chamber of Commerce
Geelong Connected Communities
Geelong Football Club
Geelong Mums
Geelong Heritage Libraries
Geelong Rainbow inc*
Give Where You Live*

Graham Hobbs*

Graham Good
Happy Feet ELC
Harley Owners Group – Geelong Chapter
Harvey Norman

Helen & Keith Bell*

Ian Grant*

Julie Pitcher*
Judith Oke*

Kardinia Park Stadium Trust*

Kardinia Early Learning Geelong*

Karin Anderson*

Keith & Heather Fagg*
Leopold Probus Club*

Let’s Read*

Lloyd Kennedy*

Lynette Kilner*
Maxwell Collins
Megan Lawler

Museum of Play and Art*

OneCare Geelong*

Pace Advertising*

Patricia Druce

Queenscliff Golf Club*


Ramsey Property Group*
Rotary Club of Geelong

Rotary Club Highton*

Rotary Club of Kardinia*

Rotary Club of Belmont

R Morgan

Rebecca Sharp*

Sandro Gumina*

Sandra O’Loughlin*

Sea All Dolphin Swim*

Senachai Irish Pub*
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson

SC Technology Group*
Share the Dignity

Sharlini Dias*

Sirovilla Retirement Village*

Stan Antczak*

St Cuthbert’s/St Wilfrid’s Anglican Church Parish*
Teriann Matheson*

Terry Sherwell*

Times News Group*

Town and Country Children’s Centre*

Thomas O’Toole Foundation-
Val Hannah School of Dance

Village Cinemas*
West Carr & Harvey


Media Partners

Geelong Broadcasters
The Geelong Independent
The Standard – Warrnambool

Thank you to our business supporters

When local businesses fundraise or partner with us, they can make real change in our community as they connect with their staff and their customers.

Warrnambool‘s Collins Booksellers runs an annual Book Bunnies Appeal each year, asking local customers to pay it forward, by buying and donating a book to a child in our community.

When we spoke with Collins Booksellers Warrnambool manager Michaelie Clark she said that “Our commitment to our region is very important to us.  We believe this campaign helps bring a bit of joy to families who are struggling, as well as providing the flow on benefits of aiding literacy, promoting critical thinking and creativity, nurturing a positive relationship with books, reading, learning and gaining new perspectives.”

The Appeal has been running since 2018 and has provided over 450 individual books valued at over $6,000 to the children who need them most.

Thank you for donating regularly

We thank every regular donor for your commitment to contributing every day, week, month or year to improving the lives of people in your community.

After receiving support from Bethany several years ago, in 2021 Steve* made the decision to give back to Bethany through weekly donations. Steve shared that his experience with Bethany was during a particularly challenging period in his life and since then things have ‘looked up’.

The Geelong born and raised 64-year-old donates what he can but knows that every dollar is important and has the potential to change someone’s life, just like his was. “I’m fortunate to now be in a financial position that I wasn’t 5 years ago and for me that means I can help others”.

We believe that it’s donors like Steve that underpin the true sense of community generosity.


*Name has been changed to protect donor privacy.

Thank you for having a shared vision

We are always grateful for like-minded people and organisations who recognise that they can make a difference through giving back to their community.

Bethany and Happy Feet Early Learning Centre share the vision that all children deserve a good start in life.

Happy Feet, a not for profit early learning centre, values a strong connection to community and embraces the philosophy that a child is raised by a village. With this in mind, for three consecutive years Happy Feet has hosted a Christmas raffle, with all proceeds directed to Bethany.

In 2021 the initiative raised $1,400 which was provided to offset some costs associated with Bethany’s women and children services.

A sincere thank you to Happy Feet for your ongoing support and ensuring there is an opportunity for everyone of our community members.

Thank you to our community 

2021 certainly provided continued challenges to the way in which our community operated on a daily basis.

For community support agencies, including Bethany, we witnessed a surge in the need for our vital services across the year, with demand increasing even further at Christmas time.

The Geelong Giving Tree Appeal, presented by Bethany and bay 93.9, in collaboration with BCYF (Barwon Child Youth and Family), and The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre is essential in providing gift cards to locals who need extra support at Christmas time.

We were overjoyed to see such incredible support from our community. Together, we raised almost $90,000, allowing us to provide 2,239 gift cards to 852 families and individuals being supported by agencies including Bethany, BCYF, The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre, Diversitat, Wathaurong and DFFH Child Protection in Geelong.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the support from our matched givers, Anthony Costa Foundation, APCO Foundation, Ramsey Property Group and Geelong Connected Communities who were instrumental in helping us ‘double the impact’ on our Giving Day.

No matter how you choose to help, your support will make a difference to the lives of people who need Bethany most.

For more information about supporting Bethany, view our website, email or phone 5278 8122.

Every child, family and individual deserves opportunities to live their best life.
